28 November/ NRCS

A five-day Y-Adapt Regional Training of Trainers/ Facilitators (ToT), organized by the British Red Cross, is kicked off at Nagarkot in Nepal on 28 November aiming to develop young people for addressing the challenges created due to climate change. In order to make youth able to paly a key role of climate change adaption, the training shall be a key means. The training is attended by the youth representative of Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS), Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) and the representatives of the IFRC Asia Pacific and the IFRC, India Delegation. The key agenda of the training include the issue of reducing the impact of climate change worldwide, adaption measures and mitigation of the hazards created due to the climate change. After the successful completion of this training, the trained youth shall facilitate other youth throughout the concerned country to reduce the impact of climate change in their communities.

There are a total 17 and 16 youth represented from NRCS and BDRCS respectively, and 2 participants are from the IFRC Asia Pacific and India Delegation, totalling 35 participants. Furthermore, the Director and the Deputy Director from NRCS Junior and Youth Development Department are participating as observers.

Rajesh Srivastava, Head of British Red Cross Asia Region, inaugurated the training programme virtually. Addressing the inaugural ceremony, Srivastava said, “It is the aim of the British Red Cross to support National Societies on climate change. Based on our aim, Y-Adapt training is organized targeting the youth. I hope that in the coming days, you will transfer your knowledge gained on the climate change adaptation to other youth like you. You have been selected for this training because youth are the change agent”. After this training, the trained youth will facilitate various activities in the field of climate cdisaster-affectedin the disaster affected communities of Nepal and Bangladesh.

While working on the issue of climate change, various activities will be conducted with the innovative concept on climate change in close collaboration and coordination with the Local Units of the Red Cross in both countries.
The overall coordination of this training was made by Durga Rai, Regional Disaster Risk Reduction Advisor of the British Red Cross Asia Region. This training is facilitated by Caroline Zistral from the British Red Cross and Jayson Barcelona Fajarado from Philippine Red Cross. This training will end on 16 December 2022.