Saroj Thapa (26) from Madhyapur Thimi Ward no. 3 was infected with COVID-19 during the first wave in Nepal. After being diagnosed with COVID-19 positive, when case investigation and contact tracing (CICT) volunteers from Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) Bhaktapur District Chapter contacted him, he was very scared and worried whether he could make his family and his young nephew infected while staying in home isolation.

The CICT team helped him to keep the home isolation rules and provided with psychological support. Further, NRCS handed him a hygiene kit for his ease and healthy stay in home isolation.
After being recovered from COVID-19 infection, Saroj visited NRCS Bhaktapur District Chapter and donated blood for the plasma therapy for COVID-19 infected patients. After the donation, he stated, “We should live to save others. My blood can at least save one”.
Being inspired from NRCS volunteerism, Saroj started volunteering through his involvement in disinfecting public places for reducing further spread of the virus, and vaccination camps in which he started to manage crowds considering social distancing.
From his involvement in NRCS, Saroj is one of the most esteemed volunteers at Bhaktapur District Chapter who supports on COIVD-19 preparedness and response operation being implemented by NRCS in support of the IFRC and its membership.