The three districts in Kathmandu Valley (Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur) are experiencing cases of acute watery diarrhoeal outbreak since July 2022. The Government is conducting water testing and chlorination in the affected area and beyond as well.
As of 5 September, 76 cases were detected in these three districts with no reported fatalities. Majority of cases are reported in the age group of 15-24 years and reported three cases among 5 years below children. Out of the total cases, 40 cases are reported to be male and the remaining female. Likewise 41,743 dengue cases were detected and 49 deaths due to dengue have been verified. For further information, please refer to the Ministry of Health and Population. Nepal Red Cross Society has been actively engaging in community-based disease prevention activities by mobilizing volunteers from the first week of July 2022, for health awareness, chlorination, wastes management and promotion hygiene practices in the affected areas and around. A total of 4,406 volunteers were mobilized and 7, 95,915 people benefited directly and indirectly.